Нахаляву отрыл сетевуху, но не могу разобраться с установкой дровишек к ней. Предепреждаю - кабеля у меня пока нету, так что команды, настраивающие сеть, мне ни к чему - просто надо поставить плату. Сама карта - Cnet Pro200. Щас покажу ридми покажу
Now dmfe.c is for kernel 2.2.x and dm9xs.c is for kernel 2.4.x.
If you use kernel 2.4.x, please use dm9xs.c to instead dmfe.c on
the following.
A. Compiler command:
A-1: For normal single processor kernel
"gcc -DMODULE -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux/net/inet -Wall
-Wstrict-prototypes -O6 -c dmfe.c"
A-2: For single processor and set version info on all module symbol
"gcc -DMODULE -DMODVERSIONS -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux/net/inet
-Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O6 -c dmfe.c"
A-3: For multiple processors(SMP) and set ver. info. on all module symbol
"gcc -D__SMP__ -DMODULE -DMODVERSIONS -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux
/net/inet -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O6 -c dmfe.c"
Note: O of -O6 is a capital "o", not a "0".
B. How to compile driver
B-1: Login by supervisor
B-2: Copy dmfe.c and Makefile into your HD. You can make a new directoty
to put.
B-3: Keep driver source file name as "dmfe.c" and makefile name as
B-4: You can type the following command to compile driver. Please according
to your system to pick one.
make org ;;Without SMP & Set version info on module
;;<For example> Redhat6.0
make mod ;;Set version info on all module symbol
;;<For example> Redhat6.1/6.2,
;; Mandrake6.1/7.0/7.1,
;; Caldera2.3
make smp ;;symmetric multi-processing(SMP) support
make smp_mod ;;SMP & Set version info on module
make org24 ;;Compiled dm9xs.c
make mod24 ;;Compiled dm9xs.c
make smp24 ;;Compiled dm9xs.c
make smp_mod24 ;;Compiled dm9xs.c
Or you can type above compiler command to compile driver.
Note: Please check you must have the right kernel source on
C. The following steps teach you how to activate NIC:
C-1: A simple and temporary method
1. Used the upper compiler command to compile dmfe.c
2. Insert dmfe module into kernel
"insmod dmfe" ;;Auto Detection Mode (Suggest)
"insmod dmfe mode=0" ;;Force 10M Half Duplex
"insmod dmfe mode=1" ;;Force 100M Half Duplex
"insmod dmfe mode=4" ;;Force 10M Full Duplex
"insmod dmfe mode=5" ;;Force 100M Full Duplex
"insmod dmfe mode=0x10" ;;Force 1M HomePNA
"insmod dmfe SF_mode=1" ;;VLAN Enable
"insmod dmfe SF_mode=2" ;;Flow Control Enable
"insmod dmfe SF_mode=4" ;;TX Pause Packet Enable
NOTE:1. SF_mode can be a combination of 3 special mode.
2. You can type "man insmod" to see more description.
3. Config a dm9102 network interface
"ifconfig eth0"
^^^^^^^^^^^ Your IP address
NOTE: You can type "man ifconfig" to see more description.
4. Activate the IP routing table. For some distributions, it is not
necessary. You can type "route" to check.
"route add default netmask eth0"
NOTE: You can type "man route" to see more description.
5. Well done. Your DM9102 adapter actived now.
Note. This is a temporary method. After you reboot the system, you
will lost the setting.
C-2: For Mandrake/Redhat, You can use the following to Activate NIC
1. login your system used the superuser
2. (Mandrake7.0)
rename dmfe_m70.o to dmfe.o and copy dmfe.o into
/lib/modules/2.2.14-15mdk/net to overwrite the old dmfe.o.
rename dmfe_m61.o to dmfe.o and copy dmfe.o into
/lib/modules/2.2.13-7mdk/net to overwrite the old dmfe.o.
rename dmfe_r62.o to dmfe.o and copy dmfe.o into
/lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/net to overwrite the old dmfe.o.
rename dmfe_r61.o to dmfe.o and copy dmfe.o into
/lib/modules/2.2.12-20/net to overwrite the old dmfe.o.
rename dmfe_r60.o to dmfe.o and copy dmfe.o into
/lib/modules/2.2.5-15/net to overwrite the old dmfe.o.
3. execute "linuxconf".
4. Then select Config->Networking->Client tasks ->Basic host information
5. Fill your IP address, netmask,
net device = eth0
kernel module = dmfe
6. press <Accept> to confirm and exit this setting
7. press <quit> exit the main menu
8. Now it displays "Status of the system" menu. Select <Activate the
changes> to active the new setting and exit.
9. reboot your system and kernel will automatically load driver and
active network.
10. try to ping other host to test your NIC.
C-3: For Caldera or others, You can use the following to Activate NIC
permanently. Please try C-1 firstly. After your NIC works on C-1
method, you do the following to active NIC permanently.
1. copy dmfe.o to your kernel network module directory
for Caldera 2.3:
cp dmfe.o /lib/modules/2.2.10/net
2. put C-1 manual command into file "/etc/rc.d/rc.local" or
for Caldera 2.3:
add the following 3 line into rc.local
insmod /lib/modules/2.2.10/net/dmfe.o
ifconfig xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx netmask eth0
route add default eth0
3. reboot your system
D. Object files description:
dmfe_r70.o: For Redhat 7.0, Kernel 2.2.16-22
dmfe_r62.o: For Redhat 6.2, kernel version 2.2.14-5.0
dmfer61c.o: For Redhat 6.1+CLE0.8, kernel 2.2.12-20
dmfe_r60.o: For Redhat 6.0, Kernel 2.2.5-15
dmfe_m71.o: For Mandrake 7.1, kernel 2.2.15-4mdk
dmfe_m70.o: For Mandrake 7.0, Kernel 2.2.14-15mdk
dmfe_m61.o: For Mandrake 6.1, Kernel 2.2.13-7mdk
dmfe_c23.o: For Caldera 2.3, kernel 2.2.10
dmfe2217.o: For Kernel 2.2.17. Without SMP and
did not set version on kernel module.
dmfe2218.o: For Kernel 2.2.18. Without SMP and
did not set version on kernel module.
dm9xs241.o: For Kernel 2.4.1. Without SMP and
did not set version on kernel module.
dm9xs242.o: For Kernel 2.4.2. Without SMP and
did not set version on kernel module.
dm9xs243.o: For Kernel 2.4.3. Without SMP and
did not set version on kernel module.
If you can make sure your kernel version, you can rename
to dmfe.o and directly use it without re-compiling.
не знаю, как мне поставить сетёвку. Slackware 10.1