Добрый день. Пытаюсь установить microwindows-0.92 на Slackware-13.1_64, но получаю ошибку
make[1]: *** Не заданы цели и не найден make-файл. Останов.
make: *** [subdir-/home/serge/microwindows-0.92/src/fonts] Ошибка 2
Папку со шрифтами поставил. Вот, что написано в INSTALL:
Microwindows Installation Documentation
April 11, 2010 g haerr <greg@censoft.com>
To build Microwindows for desktop demonstration:
1. cd microwin/src
2. Edit the default configuration file "config", if desired.
There are pre-built configuration files for X11, framebuffer,
and a variety of target systems, see Configs/README.
The default configuration is for framebuffer (Configs/config.fb2)
Type "cp Configs/config.x11 config" for the X11 configuration.
See CONTENTS and Configs/README for more information.
3. Type "make"
4. Run the default mouse driver if using GPM mouse:
5. Run one of the demonstration program scripts (*.sh):
./demo.sh or ./demo2.sh
6. More information below.
Microwindows compiles and runs on Linux, UNIX, ELKS, MSDOS, PSP,
RTEMS, X11 and bare hardware. There is support for the MIPS,
ARM, and x86 cpu's using the GNU C cross compiler.
See CONTENTS and Configs/README for more information - там написано не больше, ну может добавлен такой полезный совет, как выполнить xconfig.