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Agere 1648c-TVS-Где драйвера?

Добавлено: 13 авг 2005, 16:18
Прошу минуточку внимания.
Я конечно же понимаю, что вас уже замучали про win модемы в ОС Linux.
Но всё же...
Ситуация такая:
У меня стоит Мандрэйк 10.0. Download версия. Версия ядра 2.6.3-7mdk
модем-Lucent Win modem, а точнее Agere 1648c-TVS (это чипсет если не ошибаюсь, так ведь?)
Конечно же прежде чем обращаться к вам я побывал неоднакратно на сайтах- linmodems.org (вот почему там дрова только на Мандрэйк 8.0 а выше нет??) и многих других сайтах посвящённых этой проблеме.
Вообщем что мне нужно.
Желательно прямую ссылку на дрова к модему (учитывайте какой чипсет и версия ядра) ну и если не затруднит как это всё поставить, через терминал или как-нить по другому.
Очень надеюсь на ваш опыт, т.к. не терпится выйти в инет из Линукса.
Жду . :shock:

Добавлено: 14 авг 2005, 00:47
Вот тут драйвера http://www.heby.de/ltmodem , желательно, скачивай вот эти http://www.physcip.uni-stuttgart.de/heb ... a10.tar.gz

Про то как ставить есть тут http://knoppix.ru/adv150404.shtml

Добавлено: 14 авг 2005, 16:09
спасибо за ссылоки. Сейчас качаю-о результатах попозже сообщу.8)

Добавлено: 15 авг 2005, 04:51
Вообщем так. После выполнения команды выползает:

[ghost@localhost ltmodem-8.31a10]$ ./build_module

Lucent/Agere_Systems(AS) DSP chip modems (but Not the AMR or soft PCI chipsets)
are supported by the the resources of this kit.
AS maintainer S. Sarkar develops the code on a Red Hat Linux test bed.
The lt_serial.o Serial Interface module comes under GPL and is Open Source.
The lt_modem.o code is entirely proprietary, though partially Open Source.
Adaptation to ongoing changes in Linux source code is enabled by the Open Source components.
Critical AS proprietary information is pre-complied in ltmdmobj.o,
whose constituents are functionally not affected by minor Linux source code changes.

Volunteer maintainers periodically receive code updates from AS.
Through the contributions of Many described in CREDITS, there are
enhancements in utility, ease of installation and documentation.
Mark Spieth initiated this ltmodem compiler kit series.
Chris Hebeisen introduced the Configure implementation, bringing Newbie friendliness.
Marv Stodolsky is culpable for the verbose messaging.
Within DOCs/, Ltmodem.html has URLs to many particular usage cases.
Volunteers assemble the ltmodem-version.deb and
ltmodem-version.rpm Installers for the User Community as Linux source code evolves
utiliizing the resources of this compiler kit series.

If new to compiling, read the ModemCompiling.txt which is being output, to guide
proper set up your kernel-sources. The kernel-source package as installed does
NOT in general match an installed kernel, but one of several alternative kernels.
Thus with a niave usage, all could be completed well technically.
BUT the installed drivers might not be compatible with your kernel,
of even reside in the needed /lib/modules/Kernel_Version/ tree.

To continue, Enter

This compilation process is likely Not necessary to work through,
if the only need is modem drivers matching the standard kernel of the
following Linux distributions: Debian, Red Hat, Mandrake, SuSE and Connectiva

Volunteers have already compiled most standard drivers. For more current releases,
those available compatible with your System requirements will be later listed.
They are available for download as ltmodem-version.rpm and
ltmodem-version.deb Installers from a repository, http://ltmodem.heby.de
If your System can use one of these Installers, you will be informed below.
Many installers for older kernels are available at:

The compiling process is a learning experience for Newbies.
We strongly recommend that you DO learn it sometime.
But getting on the Internet under Linux should have first priority.
This kit provides several diagnostics aids and good documentation.
Continuing will do no harm. Useful diagnostic information
on your system will be written to BLDrecord.txt,
with direction to documentation if a failure occurs.

At a minimum, Do keep the DOCs/ and utils/ folders and become familiar
with the resources therein.

To continue: Enter

This is the version 8.31a10 of the compiler + installer kit
8.31 corresponds to the version of the core Agere Systems DSP code.
a10 designation that follows reflects NO improvement in DSP code.
Rather peripheral driver, added diagnostics and installer improvements
are reflected. They are progressively implemented as Users report problems
or the Linux kernel evolves.

The modem drivers will serve with Linux kernels beginning with 2.2.2, the current
2.4.nn series, and the 2.5.nn development kernels.
However support was broken in the early 2.4.n-test series.
When there is a Red Hat 2.6.nn release, AS will then update the code

If your PC is being well served with this 8.31a10,
there is NO Benefit in using a more recent version
until there is an update in the Agere driver code, say 8.26 to 9.00.

But if the driver installation for a new kernel should in some way fail,
please do download the most recent ltmodem-VER.tar.gz
before sending a query to discuss@linmodems.org,
because the problem may already be solved.

This build_module script only compiles drivers,
with their installation managed by subsequent commands.
Thus ./build_module can be rerun for education or amusement,
without as yet committing changes to your System.

For general instructions: Enter
All should work automatically for most Linux installations/distributions,
IF a complete kernel-headers/ folder is available:
through a symbolic link: /lib/modules/KernelVersion/build --> PATH_to/kernel-headers/
at the classical /usr/src/ position.
Otherwise a symbolic link will be necessary:
ln -s PATH_to/kernel-headers/ /usr/src/linux
Read ModemDriverCompiling.txt if an explanation is needed about kernel-headers.

To compile modules for a kernel other version than 2.6.3-7mdk, such as version 2.2.17-3test, use syntax:
./build_module 2.2.17-3test
where the version.h in the kernel-headers/ folder has 2.2.17-3test

If desirable to make a record for trouble shooting purposes,
Abort with Ctrl-C. Then the process can be recorded to ltrecord.txt :

./build_module | tee ltrecord.txt

To continue: Enter

Diagnostic information is progressively being written to BLDrecord.txt .
Often, contents of BLDrecord.txt will aid in solving a problem.

The Linux distribution is: mandrake, Mandrake Linux release 10.0 (Official) for i586
End of distribution check.


Providing detail for device at PCI_bus 01:08.0
with vendor-ID:device-ID
Class 0780: 11c1:044c Communication controller: Lucent Microelectronics LT WinModem (rev 02)
SubSystem 11c1:044c Lucent Microelectronics LT WinModem
Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 32, IRQ 5
Memory at ea000000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable)
I/O ports at c000

-----PCI_IDs------- --CompilerVer-
Feature List: Primary Subsystem Distr KernelVer kernel default CPU
./scanModem test 11c1:044c 11c1:044c mandrake 2.6.3-7mdk 3.3.2 3.3.2 i686


The modem has a supported Lucent/Agere DSP (digital signal processing) chipset
with primary PCI_ID: 11c1:044c

grep: /etc/devfsd.conf: Permission denied

grep: /etc/devfsd.conf: Permission denied

To continue: Enter

Checking for any preliminary complications.
Bad links to /usr/include not evident.
The kernel supports only single processor motherboards.

To continue: Enter

OK thus far.
To begin acquisition of compiling information: Enter

./build_module: line 466: SETTINGS: No such file or directory
Following a successful check for matching kernel-headers,
the modem drivers will be compiled for the current kernel version: 2.6.3-7mdk
To start resource tests: Enter

Performing a configure trial and capturing the report to ../conf-report.txt.
Parsing the report:
No evident problems.

grep: Makefile: No such file or directory

./build_module: line 564: ./configure: No such file or directory

The check for compilation tools and general resources was successful.
Within DOCs/ there is an annotated conf-report.txt
The Makefile and down steam installation scripts have been created.

To continue:
Next checking utilty versions,
Utility or range for kernels
name 2.2.16 2.4.18 Actual_version
Gnu C 2.95.3-2.9.99 3.3.2
Gnu make 3.77 3.79.1 3.80


The gcc compiler resources available are:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 бЧЗ 12 23:40 /usr/bin/gcc -> /etc/alternatives/gcc
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 84684 жЕЧ 13 2004 /usr/bin/gcc-3.3.2
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 23 жЕЧ 13 2004 /usr/bin/gcc3.3-version
with your System currently using version 3.3.2
Do NOT mix the major versions of compilers for the kernel and modem drivers
or your System will crash! The following releases are using gcc version 3.2.x :
Mandrake 9, Redhat 8 and SuSE 8.1 in November 2002.

To continue:

To begin compilation of .o and .o, Enter

To avoid faulting Systems with an Enviromental setting: make -e
is the compiling command used with build_module.
To modify "make" invocation on your System, if desirable,
edit the build_module line below: MAKEE


Checking for driver products:

Compilation of .ko failed,
Do assess whether your utilities are up to date as listed within 1ST-READ!
Read Compile_properly.txt from DOCs/.
If you cannot solve the problem, send BLDrecord.txt to: discuss@linmodems.org
Вот я не пойму, он чего то ругается или как?
Далее написано надо выполнить команду-ltinst2.
Пишу... а он в ответ-"не найден файл".
Что деалть???

Добавлено: 15 авг 2005, 09:29
1) Войди в систему как root
2) перед запуском инсталлер выполни команду export LANG=C и запости лог сюда еще раз...

Добавлено: 18 авг 2005, 06:00
Вот и результат:

[ghost@localhost ltmodem-8.31a10]$ su
[root@localhost ltmodem-8.31a10]# export LANG=C
[root@localhost ltmodem-8.31a10]# ./build_module

Lucent/Agere_Systems(AS) DSP chip modems (but Not the AMR or soft PCI chipsets)
are supported by the the resources of this kit.
AS maintainer S. Sarkar develops the code on a Red Hat Linux test bed.
The lt_serial.o Serial Interface module comes under GPL and is Open Source.
The lt_modem.o code is entirely proprietary, though partially Open Source.
Adaptation to ongoing changes in Linux source code is enabled by the Open Sourc_____________
[ghost@localhost ltmodem-8.31a10]$ su
[root@localhost ltmodem-8.31a10]# export LANG=C
[root@localhost ltmodem-8.31a10]# ./build_module

Lucent/Agere_Systems(AS) DSP chip modems (but Not the AMR or soft PCI chipsets)
are supported by the the resources of this kit.
AS maintainer S. Sarkar develops the code on a Red Hat Linux test bed.
The lt_serial.o Serial Interface module comes under GPL and is Open Source.
The lt_modem.o code is entirely proprietary, though partially Open Source.
Adaptation to ongoing changes in Linux source code is enabled by the Open Source components.
Critical AS proprietary information is pre-complied in ltmdmobj.o,
whose constituents are functionally not affected by minor Linux source code changes.

Volunteer maintainers periodically receive code updates from AS.
Through the contributions of Many described in CREDITS, there are
enhancements in utility, ease of installation and documentation.
Mark Spieth initiated this ltmodem compiler kit series.
Chris Hebeisen introduced the Configure implementation, bringing Newbie friendliness.
Marv Stodolsky is culpable for the verbose messaging.
Within DOCs/, Ltmodem.html has URLs to many particular usage cases.
Volunteers assemble the ltmodem-version.deb and
ltmodem-version.rpm Installers for the User Community as Linux source code evolves
utiliizing the resources of this compiler kit series.

If new to compiling, read the ModemCompiling.txt which is being output, to guide
proper set up your kernel-sources. The kernel-source package as installed does
NOT in general match an installed kernel, but one of several alternative kernels.
Thus with a niave usage, all could be completed well technically.
BUT the installed drivers might not be compatible with your kernel,
of even reside in the needed /lib/modules/Kernel_Version/ tree.

To continue, Enter

This compilation process is likely Not necessary to work through,
if the only need is modem drivers matching the standard kernel of the
following Linux distributions: Debian, Red Hat, Mandrake, SuSE and Connectiva

Volunteers have already compiled most standard drivers. For more current releases,
those available compatible with your System requirements will be later listed.
They are available for download as ltmodem-version.rpm and
ltmodem-version.deb Installers from a repository, http://ltmodem.heby.de
If your System can use one of these Installers, you will be informed below.
Many installers for older kernels are available at:

The compiling process is a learning experience for Newbies.
We strongly recommend that you DO learn it sometime.
But getting on the Internet under Linux should have first priority.
This kit provides several diagnostics aids and good documentation.
Continuing will do no harm. Useful diagnostic information
on your system will be written to BLDrecord.txt,
with direction to documentation if a failure occurs.

At a minimum, Do keep the DOCs/ and utils/ folders and become familiar
with the resources therein.

To continue: Enter

This is the version 8.31a10 of the compiler + installer kit
8.31 corresponds to the version of the core Agere Systems DSP code.
a10 designation that follows reflects NO improvement in DSP code.
Rather peripheral driver, added diagnostics and installer improvements
are reflected. They are progressively implemented as Users report problems
or the Linux kernel evolves.

The modem drivers will serve with Linux kernels beginning with 2.2.2, the current
2.4.nn series, and the 2.5.nn development kernels.
However support was broken in the early 2.4.n-test series.
When there is a Red Hat 2.6.nn release, AS will then update the code

If your PC is being well served with this 8.31a10,
there is NO Benefit in using a more recent version
until there is an update in the Agere driver code, say 8.26 to 9.00.

But if the driver installation for a new kernel should in some way fail,
please do download the most recent ltmodem-VER.tar.gz
before sending a query to discuss@linmodems.org,
because the problem may already be solved.

This build_module script only compiles drivers,
with their installation managed by subsequent commands.
Thus ./build_module can be rerun for education or amusement,
without as yet committing changes to your System.

For general instructions: Enter
All should work automatically for most Linux installations/distributions,
IF a complete kernel-headers/ folder is available:
through a symbolic link: /lib/modules/KernelVersion/build --> PATH_to/kernel-headers/
at the classical /usr/src/ position.
Otherwise a symbolic link will be necessary:
ln -s PATH_to/kernel-headers/ /usr/src/linux
Read ModemDriverCompiling.txt if an explanation is needed about kernel-headers.

To compile modules for a kernel other version than 2.6.3-7mdk, such as version 2.2.17-3test, use syntax:
./build_module 2.2.17-3test
where the version.h in the kernel-headers/ folder has 2.2.17-3test

If desirable to make a record for trouble shooting purposes,
Abort with Ctrl-C. Then the process can be recorded to ltrecord.txt :

./build_module | tee ltrecord.txt

To continue: Enter

Diagnostic information is progressively being written to BLDrecord.txt .
Often, contents of BLDrecord.txt will aid in solving a problem.

The Linux distribution is: mandrake, Mandrake Linux release 10.0 (Official) for i586
End of distribution check.


Providing detail for device at PCI_bus 01:08.0
with vendor-ID:device-ID
Class 0780: 11c1:044c Communication controller: Lucent Microelectronics LT WinModem (rev 02)
SubSystem 11c1:044c Lucent Microelectronics LT WinModem
Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 32, IRQ 5
Memory at ea000000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable)
I/O ports at c000 e components.
Critical AS proprietary information is pre-complied in ltmdmobj.o,
whose constituents are functionally not affected by minor Linux source code changes.

Volunteer maintainers periodically receive code updates from AS.
Through the contributions of Many described in CREDITS, there are
enhancements in utility, ease of installation and documentation.
Mark Spieth initiated this ltmodem compiler kit series.
Chris Hebeisen introduced the Configure implementation, bringing Newbie friendliness.
Marv Stodolsky is culpable for the verbose messaging.
Within DOCs/, Ltmodem.html has URLs to many particular usage cases.
Volunteers assemble the ltmodem-version.deb and
ltmodem-version.rpm Installers for the User Community as Linux source code evolves
utiliizing the resources of this compiler kit series.

If new to compiling, read the ModemCompiling.txt which is being output, to guide
proper set up your kernel-sources. The kernel-source package as installed does
NOT in general match an installed kernel, but one of several alternative kernels.
Thus with a niave usage, all could be completed well technically.
BUT the installed drivers might not be compatible with your kernel,
of even reside in the needed /lib/modules/Kernel_Version/ tree.

To continue, Enter

This compilation process is likely Not necessary to work through,
if the only need is modem drivers matching the standard kernel of the
following Linux distributions: Debian, Red Hat, Mandrake, SuSE and Connectiva

Volunteers have already compiled most standard drivers. For more current releases,
those available compatible with your System requirements will be later listed.
They are available for download as ltmodem-version.rpm and
ltmodem-version.deb Installers from a repository, http://ltmodem.heby.de
If your System can use one of these Installers, you will be informed below.
Many installers for older kernels are available at:

The compiling process is a learning experience for Newbies.
We strongly recommend that you DO learn it sometime.
But getting on the Internet under Linux should have first priority.
This kit provides several diagnostics aids and good documentation.
Continuing will do no harm. Useful diagnostic information
on your system will be written to BLDrecord.txt,
with direction to documentation if a failure occurs.

At a minimum, Do keep the DOCs/ and utils/ folders and become familiar
with the resources therein.

To continue: Enter

This is the version 8.31a10 of the compiler + installer kit
8.31 corresponds to the version of the core Agere Systems DSP code.
a10 designation that follows reflects NO improvement in DSP code.
Rather peripheral driver, added diagnostics and installer improvements
are reflected. They are progressively implemented as Users report problems
or the Linux kernel evolves.

The modem drivers will serve with Linux kernels beginning with 2.2.2, the current
2.4.nn series, and the 2.5.nn development kernels.
However support was broken in the early 2.4.n-test series.
When there is a Red Hat 2.6.nn release, AS will then update the code

If your PC is being well served with this 8.31a10,
there is NO Benefit in using a more recent version
until there is an update in the Agere driver code, say 8.26 to 9.00.

But if the driver installation for a new kernel should in some way fail,
please do download the most recent ltmodem-VER.tar.gz
before sending a query to discuss@linmodems.org,
because the problem may already be solved.

This build_module script only compiles drivers,
with their installation managed by subsequent commands.
Thus ./build_module can be rerun for education or amusement,
without as yet committing changes to your System.

For general instructions: Enter
All should work automatically for most Linux installations/distributions,
IF a complete kernel-headers/ folder is available:
through a symbolic link: /lib/modules/KernelVersion/build --> PATH_to/kernel-headers/
at the classical /usr/src/ position.
Otherwise a symbolic link will be necessary:
ln -s PATH_to/kernel-headers/ /usr/src/linux
Read ModemDriverCompiling.txt if an explanation is needed about kernel-headers.

To compile modules for a kernel other version than 2.6.3-7mdk, such as version 2.2.17-3test, use syntax:
./build_module 2.2.17-3test
where the version.h in the kernel-headers/ folder has 2.2.17-3test

If desirable to make a record for trouble shooting purposes,
Abort with Ctrl-C. Then the process can be recorded to ltrecord.txt :

./build_module | tee ltrecord.txt

To continue: Enter

Diagnostic information is progressively being written to BLDrecord.txt .
Often, contents of BLDrecord.txt will aid in solving a problem.

The Linux distribution is: mandrake, Mandrake Linux release 10.0 (Official) for i586
End of distribution check.


Providing detail for device at PCI_bus 01:08.0
with vendor-ID:device-ID
Class 0780: 11c1:044c Communication controller: Lucent Microelectronics LT WinModem (rev 02)
SubSystem 11c1:044c Lucent Microelectronics LT WinModem
Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 32, IRQ 5
Memory at ea000000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable)
I/O ports at c000

-----PCI_IDs------- --CompilerVer-
Feature List: Primary Subsystem Distr KernelVer kernel default CPU
./scanModem test 11c1:044c 11c1:044c mandrake 2.6.3-7mdk 3.3.2 3.3.2 i686


The modem has a supported Lucent/Agere DSP (digital signal processing) chipset
with primary PCI_ID: 11c1:044c

To continue: Enter

Checking for any preliminary complications.
Bad links to /usr/include not evident.
The kernel supports only single processor motherboards.

To continue: Enter

OK thus far.
To begin acquisition of compiling information: Enter

Removing old makings and expanding a clean source.tar.gz
Setting BLDrecord.txt link within source/ folder.
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 Авг 16 19:45 BLDrecord.txt -> ../BLDrecord.txt
Setting ./tmpfile link within source/ folder.
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Авг 16 19:45 ./tmpfile -> .././tmpfile
Following a successful check for matching kernel-headers,
the modem drivers will be compiled for the current kernel version: 2.6.3-7mdk
To start resource tests: Enter

Performing a configure trial and capturing the report to ../conf-report.txt.
Parsing the report:
A sample successfull conf_out.txt is in the folder DOCs/
Here is the report from ../conf-report.txt
creating cache ./config.cache
Checking OS
Checking machine type
Processor i686 is supported.
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler (gcc ) works... no
configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables.

Добавлено: 18 авг 2005, 06:02
Вот решил и файлик BLDrecord.txt прикрепить может быть там чего написано..

Together with information included in DOCs/
this report may enable you to solve problems.
But if further help is needed, send BLDrecord.txt to discuss@linmodems.org
Please use the following in the email Subject Line:
SUBJECT=Lucent modem, mandrake Mandrake Linux release 10.0 (Official) for i586 2.6.3-7mdk

DVERSION=Mandrake Linux release 10.0 (Official) for i586
Втр Авг 16 19:44:51 MSD 2005
Linux localhost 2.6.3-7mdk #1 Wed Mar 17 15:56:42 CET 2004 i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux

------------ beginning SCANMODEM section ------
assembled with compiler: 3.3.2
with current System compiler GCC=3.3.2
/usr/bin/gcc -> /etc/alternatives/gcc
A /dev/modem symbolic link is not set.
Path to lspci is: /usr/bin/lspci
--------- lspci scan ----------------
00:00.0 Host bridge: nVidia Corporation nForce2 AGP (different version?) (rev c1)
00:00.1 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation nForce2 Memory Controller 1 (rev c1)
00:00.2 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation nForce2 Memory Controller 4 (rev c1)
00:00.3 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation nForce2 Memory Controller 3 (rev c1)
00:00.4 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation nForce2 Memory Controller 2 (rev c1)
00:00.5 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation nForce2 Memory Controller 5 (rev c1)
00:01.0 ISA bridge: nVidia Corporation nForce2 ISA Bridge (rev a4)
00:01.1 SMBus: nVidia Corporation nForce2 SMBus (MCP) (rev a2)
00:02.0 USB Controller: nVidia Corporation nForce2 USB Controller (rev a4)
00:02.1 USB Controller: nVidia Corporation nForce2 USB Controller (rev a4)
00:02.2 USB Controller: nVidia Corporation nForce2 USB Controller (rev a4)
00:04.0 Ethernet controller: nVidia Corporation nForce2 Ethernet Controller (rev a1)
00:06.0 Multimedia audio controller: nVidia Corporation nForce2 AC97 Audio Controler (MCP) (rev a1)
00:08.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation nForce2 External PCI Bridge (rev a3)
00:09.0 IDE interface: nVidia Corporation nForce2 IDE (rev a2)
00:1e.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation nForce2 AGP (rev c1)
01:08.0 Communication controller: Lucent Microelectronics LT WinModem (rev 02)
02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 MX 440] (rev a3)

Modem candidates are at PCI_buses: 01:08.0

Providing detail for device at PCI_bus 01:08.0
with vendor-ID:device-ID
Class 0780: 11c1:044c Communication controller: Lucent Microelectronics LT WinModem (rev 02)
SubSystem 11c1:044c Lucent Microelectronics LT WinModem
Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 32, IRQ 5
Memory at ea000000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable)
I/O ports at c000

-----PCI_IDs------- --CompilerVer-
Feature List: Primary Subsystem Distr KernelVer kernel default CPU
./scanModem test 11c1:044c 11c1:044c mandrake 2.6.3-7mdk 3.3.2 3.3.2 i686

== Checking PCI IDs through modem chip suppliers ==

The modem has a supported Lucent/Agere DSP (digital signal processing) chipset
with primary PCI_ID: 11c1:044c

Vendor 11c1 corresponds to Lucent Technologies or subsidiary Agere Systems, Inc.
Information is at: http://www.agere.com/client/modem_dsp.html. Produced are both:
1) modems identifiable from their primary PCI IDs and
2) soft modem Subystem chips requiring identification through codec readouts.

Call waiting specified by, +pcw=1, is not implmented in the ltmodem drivers.

Support has been extended to 2.6.n kernels by Rajesh K. Balan and
Aleksey Kondratenko <alk@tut.by>, with official support from AgereSystems later following.
Functionalirt requires serial_core support, either as a module or integral to the kernel.
The resources are http://ltmodem.heby.de are more automated and can utilize kernel-headers.
The ltmodem-2.6-alk-6.tar.bz2 is a leaner package and can be downloaded from:
http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/package ... ernel-2.6/
with low bandwidth alternate: http://alk.at.tut.by/ltmodem-2.6-alk-6.tar.bz2
A full kernel-source configuration is required, or the kernel-headers as provided with fedora 2.

The desired installer name is like:
ltmodem-kv-Kernel_FL-LTver--.CPU.rpm explains the versioning.
For your System
Kernel_FL is 2.6.3-7mdk , the full kernel version displayed by: uname -r
LTver is 8.31a9, the release of the compiler kit
8.nn is the Agere core code designation.
The proccesor type or CPU is: i686 dispayed by: uname -m
used in compiling and assembling driver packages.

A suitable installer is not available as of this 2004_Nov_26 update.
Check in the section mandrake at http://ltmodem.heby.de/
for a subsequent Installer submission.
Older releases have been archived at:
http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/package ... m/archive/
Also there is a RPM search engine at: http://rpm.pbone.net
The closest match to your i686=CPU is recommended.
The closest match to your i686=CPU is recommended.
For example replacements in order of preference for an
i686 would be i586, i486 and i386
If not present use the ltmodem-8.31a9.tar.gz compiler kit.

The list of available Installers for mandrake as of this 2004_Nov_26
is inserted into to /dev/null
======= PCI_ID checking completed ======
A PCMCIA CardBus is not detected on this System.
The following information blocks just query some ppp support items.

grep ppp /etc/modprobe.conf


The following ppp related modules should be unpacked by root with:
# gunzip PathTo/ModuleName.ko.gz

On most Systems, this will driven by installing the wvdial.rpm
and the package providing the KPPP graphical dialing interface.

COMM services are not active
Be sure to read the section about ppp related modules and aliases in /dev/null
DEVPPP=crw------- 1 root root 108, 0 Янв 1 1970 /dev/ppp
---- dmesg queries -------
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x00] lapic_id[0x00] enabled)
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x00] high edge lint[0x1])
Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=linux ro root=1608 devfs=mount acpi=ht resume=/dev/hdc7 splash=silent
ACPI: Interpreter disabled.
apm: BIOS version 1.2 Flags 0x07 (Driver version 1.16ac)
mandrake is not yet providing pre-compiled drivers for WinModems

# ===SETTINGS===

Properly configuring your sources may be aided by: utils/ksp.sh

Добавлено: 20 авг 2005, 14:06
Ну так что? Кто-нить поможет??