В Македоніі лінукс на гос. уровне!
Добавлено: 10 дек 2005, 15:20
Macedonia Deploys 5,000 GNOME Desktops in Public Schools
2 December 05
When the Republic of Macedonia decided to deploy Linux in 468 schools and 182 computer labs nationwide, they chose GNOME on an Ubuntu distribution. Arangel Angov met with Darko Arsov, Technology Integration Manager at the Education Development Center, to find out more about their reasons for using GNOME.
The Republic of Macedonia is a small country in Southern Europe with a population of around 2 million. Internet penetration is only around 5% and software piracy rate is rampant. Also, the government does not play any major role in the development of the ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) and a private sector is dominated by Microsoft technologies.
Given the circumstances, one would not expect any free software related stories to make the headlines. Yet the presence of a small volunteer organization by the name Free Software Macedonia is making a big difference in this small country.
At the time of writing this article, all major Free Open Source Software (FOSS) projects have either been translated or were close to being translated in Macedonian language. Tools such as spell checkers are also under development. Although, resources are scarce, dedication and enthusiasm has kept these projects going...
http://www.gnomejournal.org/article/33/ ... ic-schools
Цікава, ці будзе такое калі у нас? У дзярж. інстытутах компы выкарыст-ца пераважна як друкарныя машынкі, дык чаму б не паставіць лінукс?..
2 December 05
When the Republic of Macedonia decided to deploy Linux in 468 schools and 182 computer labs nationwide, they chose GNOME on an Ubuntu distribution. Arangel Angov met with Darko Arsov, Technology Integration Manager at the Education Development Center, to find out more about their reasons for using GNOME.
The Republic of Macedonia is a small country in Southern Europe with a population of around 2 million. Internet penetration is only around 5% and software piracy rate is rampant. Also, the government does not play any major role in the development of the ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) and a private sector is dominated by Microsoft technologies.
Given the circumstances, one would not expect any free software related stories to make the headlines. Yet the presence of a small volunteer organization by the name Free Software Macedonia is making a big difference in this small country.
At the time of writing this article, all major Free Open Source Software (FOSS) projects have either been translated or were close to being translated in Macedonian language. Tools such as spell checkers are also under development. Although, resources are scarce, dedication and enthusiasm has kept these projects going...
http://www.gnomejournal.org/article/33/ ... ic-schools
Цікава, ці будзе такое калі у нас? У дзярж. інстытутах компы выкарыст-ца пераважна як друкарныя машынкі, дык чаму б не паставіць лінукс?..